Analysts See $0.17 EPS for Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (CWCO); Northwest Bancshares (NWBI) Sentiment Is 1.63

Northwest Bancshares Inc (NWBI) investors sentiment increased to 1.63 in 2019 Q1. It’s up 0.39, from 1.24 in 2018Q4. The ratio is more positive, as 83 investment managers increased and started new stock positions, while 51 cut down and sold their positions in Northwest Bancshares Inc. The investment managers in our database now possess: 73.54 million shares, down from 74.92 million shares in 2018Q4. Also, the number of investment managers holding Northwest Bancshares Inc in top ten stock positions increased from 1 to 2 for an increase of 1. Sold All: 8 Reduced: 43 Increased: 58 New Position: 25.

Analysts expect Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) to report $0.17 EPS on August, 8.They anticipate $0.03 EPS change or 21.43% from last quarter’s $0.14 EPS. CWCO’s profit would be $2.55 million giving it 21.03 P/E if the $0.17 EPS is correct. After having $0.20 EPS previously, Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.’s analysts see -15.00% EPS growth. The stock increased 1.27% or $0.18 during the last trading session, reaching $14.3. About 29,736 shares traded. Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) has risen 7.43% since July 28, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 3.00% the S&P500. Some Historical CWCO News: 19/03/2018 - Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. Reports Full Year 2017 Results And Announces Record And Meeting Dates For 2018 Shareholders’ Meeting; 04/05/2018 - Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. To Host First Quarter Conference Call On Friday, May 11, 2018; 19/03/2018 - Consolidated Water 2017 Rev $62.3M; 07/03/2018 - CONSOLIDATED WATER CO LTD - AGREEMENT CALLS FOR NSC TO RETAIN A MINIMUM OF 25% OF EQUITY IN AGUAS DE ROSARITO S.A.P.l. DE C.V; 09/03/2018 - Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. Declares Second Quarter Cash Dividend; 07/03/2018 - CONSOLIDATED WATER CO LTD - ONE OR MORE AFFILIATES OF GREENFIELD SPV Vll, S.A.P.l. DE C.V. WILL ACQUIRE A MINIMUM OF 55% OF ADR; 07/03/2018 - Consolidated Water Provides Update on Rosarito Project; 19/03/2018 - Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. Reports Full Year 2017 Results And Announces Record And Meeting Dates For 2018 Shareholders’; 10/05/2018 - Consolidated Water 1Q Rev $15.3M; 19/03/2018 - Consolidated Water 2017 EPS 41c

More notable recent Northwest Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:NWBI) news were published by: which released: “Income Investors Should Know That Northwest Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:NWBI) Goes Ex-Dividend Soon - Yahoo Finance” on July 26, 2019, also with their article: “What Type Of Shareholder Owns Northwest Bancshares, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:NWBI)? - Yahoo Finance” published on July 11, 2019, published: “Daily Dividend Report: FMC, FELE, NWBI, SBT, PETS, VALU - Nasdaq” on July 22, 2019. More interesting news about Northwest Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:NWBI) were released by: and their article: “Northwest Bancshares (NWBI) Lags Q2 Earnings and Revenue Estimates - Nasdaq” published on July 22, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Northwest Bancshares (NWBI) Earnings Expected to Grow: What to Know Ahead of Q2 Release - Nasdaq” with publication date: July 15, 2019.

Northwest Bancshares, Inc. operates as a bank holding firm for Northwest Savings Bank that offers various personal and business banking solutions in the United States. The company has market cap of $1.83 billion. The firm operates through two divisions, Community Banking and Consumer Finance. It has a 16.98 P/E ratio. It offers personal and business deposits, such as checking, savings, money market deposit, term certificate, and individual retirement accounts.

The stock increased 1.06% or $0.18 during the last trading session, reaching $17.15. About 293,656 shares traded. Northwest Bancshares, Inc. (NWBI) has risen 2.05% since July 28, 2018 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 2.38% the S&P500. Some Historical NWBI News: 25/04/2018 - First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. Enters Definitive Agreement To Acquire Northwest Bancorporation, Inc. And Expand Its Presence In The Pacific Northwest; 25/04/2018 - First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. Enters Agreement to Acquire Northwest Bancorporation, Inc; 26/04/2018 - Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is Investigating the Board of Directors of Northwest Bancorporation, Inc. (NBCT) on Behalf of Stockholders and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm; 26/04/2018 - ALERT: Rowley Law PLLC is Investigating Proposed Acquisition of Northwest Bancorporation, Inc; 26/04/2018 - Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is Investigating the Board of Directors of Northwest Bancorporation, Inc. (NBCT) on Behalf of; 25/04/2018 - FIRST INTERSTATE BANCSYSTEM TO BUY NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION; 27/04/2018 - WeissLaw LLP Investigates Northwest Bancorporation Acquisition; 23/03/2018 Northwest Names Torchio Head of Retail Lending; 22/04/2018 - DJ Northwest Bancorporation Inc, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (NBCT); 07/05/2018 - The Law Offices of Vincent Wong Notifies Investors of an Investigation into Northwest Bancorporation in Connection with the Sale of the Company to First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. — NBCT

Since January 1, 0001, it had 1 insider buy, and 1 sale for $636,113 activity.

Dean Capital Management holds 2.12% of its portfolio in Northwest Bancshares, Inc. for 74,390 shares. Dean Investment Associates Llc owns 683,140 shares or 1.68% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Minerva Advisors Llc has 0.7% invested in the company for 73,625 shares. The Massachusetts-based St Germain D J Co Inc has invested 0.38% in the stock. Institute For Wealth Management Llc., a Colorado-based fund reported 79,155 shares.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.07 in Q1 2019. Its down 0.20, from 1.27 in 2018Q4. It dived, as 7 investors sold Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. shares while 23 reduced holdings. 11 funds opened positions while 21 raised stakes. 7.60 million shares or 0.76% less from 7.66 million shares in 2018Q4 were reported. Prudential holds 0% or 13,006 shares. Jfs Wealth Advisors Ltd invested in 116 shares. California Pub Employees Retirement reported 0.01% stake. Essex Financial Svcs Inc holds 0.05% or 14,159 shares in its portfolio. Deutsche National Bank Ag owns 65,559 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Reilly Fin Advisors Ltd Liability Corp stated it has 0% in Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO). Moreover, Northern has 0% invested in Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO). Marshall Wace Ltd Liability Partnership holds 0% in Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) or 28,979 shares. 12,200 are held by Alliancebernstein Lp. Fmr Lc holds 0% or 377 shares in its portfolio. Manchester Capital Management Limited Com reported 60,383 shares or 0.1% of all its holdings. Connors Investor Serv reported 15,000 shares stake. Renaissance Ltd Liability Company reported 430,400 shares stake. 152 are held by Bankshares Of Montreal Can. Charles Schwab Investment Mgmt has 0% invested in Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) for 28,068 shares.

More notable recent Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) news were published by: which released: “Is Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) Potentially Underrated? - Yahoo Finance” on July 25, 2019, also with their article: “At US$12.49, Is It Time To Put Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) On Your Watch List? - Yahoo Finance” published on May 02, 2019, published: “Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (CWCO) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for June 28, 2019 - Nasdaq” on June 27, 2019. More interesting news about Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) were released by: and their article: “Is Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CWCO) Better Than Average At Deploying Capital? - Yahoo Finance” published on May 20, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Pre-Market Earnings Report for May 13, 2019 : NESR, CPRX, CWCO, CPLP, UMRX, EAST, MYO - Nasdaq” with publication date: May 10, 2019.

Consolidated Water Co. Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, develops and operates seawater desalination plants and water distribution systems in the Cayman Islands, The Bahamas, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, and Indonesia. The company has market cap of $214.79 million. The firm operates through three divisions: Retail, Bulk, and Services. It has a 13.98 P/E ratio. It uses reverse osmosis technology to produce potable water from seawater.

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