Analysts See $0.51 EPS for Hamilton Lane (HLNE); Huntington Bancshares (HBAN) Shorts Raised By 5.91%

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Analysts expect Hamilton Lane Incorporated (NASDAQ:HLNE) to report $0.51 EPS on November, 5.They anticipate $0.04 EPS change or 7.27% from last quarter’s $0.55 EPS. HLNE’s profit would be $26.19 million giving it 27.65 P/E if the $0.51 EPS is correct. After having $0.45 EPS previously, Hamilton Lane Incorporated’s analysts see 13.33% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.04% or $0.02 during the last trading session, reaching $56.41. About 89,767 shares traded. Hamilton Lane Incorporated (NASDAQ:HLNE) has risen 20.51% since October 6, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.51% the S&P500. Some Historical HLNE News: 09/04/2018 - Hamilton Lane Hosts Second Annual Undergraduate Women’s Private Equity Summit; 09/04/2018 - Hamilton Lane Hosts Second Annual Undergraduate Women’s Private Equity Summit; 03/04/2018 Hamilton Lane Expands Senior Team through Global Promotions and Appointments; 19/04/2018 - DJ Hamilton Lane Incorporated Class A, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (HLNE)

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) had an increase of 5.91% in short interest. HBAN’s SI was 25.36M shares in October as released by FINRA. Its up 5.91% from 23.94 million shares previously. With 9.98M avg volume, 3 days are for Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN)’s short sellers to cover HBAN’s short positions. The SI to Huntington Bancshares Incorporated’s float is 2.46%. The stock increased 1.02% or $0.14 during the last trading session, reaching $13.92. About 5.77 million shares traded. Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) has declined 8.01% since October 6, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 8.01% the S&P500. Some Historical HBAN News: 29/05/2018 - Huntington Banc Presenting at Deutsche Bank Conference Tomorrow; 24/04/2018 - HBAN 1Q PROVISION FOR CREDIT LOSSES $66M, EST. $57.0M; 27/04/2018 - S&P: Huntington Bancshares Rating Reflects More Conservative Risk Profile; 30/05/2018 - Huntington Bank 2017 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Benchmarks Corporate Social Responsibility Performance; 27/04/2018 - S&P REVISES HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK TO RATING ‘A-‘ FROM ‘BBB+’; 27/03/2018 Rational Funds Introduces the Rational/ReSolve Adaptive Asset Allocation Fund; 24/04/2018 - HUNTINGTON BANC 1Q EPS 28C; 10/05/2018 - S&PGR Raises 2 Huntington National Bank-Related Ratings; 24/04/2018 - HUNTINGTON BANC 1Q EPS 28C, EST. 28C; 27/04/2018 - S&P REVISES HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC. TO RATING ‘BBB+’ FROM ‘BBB’

More notable recent Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) news were published by: which released: “Should You Buy Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) For Its Upcoming Dividend In 4 Days? - Yahoo Finance” on September 11, 2019, also with their article: “Huntington Bancshares’ 8.5% Total Yield Is Great Value - Seeking Alpha” published on September 09, 2019, published: “When Should You Buy Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN)? - Yahoo Finance” on September 02, 2019. More interesting news about Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) were released by: and their article: “Huntington Bancshares: Near-Term Catalysts May Be Limited - Seeking Alpha” published on September 10, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (HBAN) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for March 15, 2019 - Nasdaq” with publication date: March 14, 2019.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.04 in Q2 2019. Its up 0.10, from 0.94 in 2019Q1. It increased, as 42 investors sold Huntington Bancshares Incorporated shares while 174 reduced holdings. 61 funds opened positions while 164 raised stakes. 760.75 million shares or 1.90% less from 775.51 million shares in 2019Q1 were reported. Gru Inc, New York-based fund reported 437,632 shares. Cibc Asset Mngmt Incorporated has invested 0.04% in Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN). Csat Investment Advisory L P accumulated 3,759 shares or 0.02% of the stock. American & Mgmt holds 0.03% in Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) or 6,831 shares. Dnb Asset As holds 0% or 108,986 shares. Robeco Institutional Asset Management Bv has 123,486 shares. Lmr Prtn Llp holds 47,494 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. Mcf Advisors Ltd Company reported 0.03% stake. Bartlett And Limited Liability Corp holds 0% of its portfolio in Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) for 9,201 shares. Ls Invest Advsrs Lc owns 51,502 shares. Mirae Asset holds 0% or 30,150 shares in its portfolio. Neuberger Berman Group Ltd Liability Company has invested 0.03% in Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN). National Bank & Trust Of New York Mellon invested in 8.65M shares or 0.03% of the stock. Clearbridge Invs Limited Company stated it has 1,000 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Summit Finance Strategies has 0.11% invested in Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) for 16,272 shares.

Among 2 analysts covering Huntington Bancshares Incorporated - Common Stock (NASDAQ:HBAN), 0 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Huntington Bancshares Incorporated - Common Stock has $1600 highest and $1400 lowest target. $15’s average target is 7.76% above currents $13.92 stock price. Huntington Bancshares Incorporated - Common Stock had 4 analyst reports since May 31, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. On Monday, July 8 the stock rating was downgraded by BMO Capital Markets to “Underperform”. DA Davidson downgraded it to “Neutral” rating and $1600 target in Friday, September 13 report.

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated operates as a holding firm for The Huntington National Bank that provides commercial, small business, consumer, and mortgage banking services. The company has market cap of $14.33 billion. The companyÂ’s Consumer and Business Banking segment offers financial services and products, such as checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, consumer loans, and small business loans; and investments, insurance, interest rate risk protection, and foreign exchange and treasury management services. It has a 11.05 P/E ratio. The Company’s Commercial Banking segment provides corporate risk management and institutional sales, trading, and underwriting services; commercial property and casualty, employee benefits, personal lines, life and disability, and specialty lines of insurance; and brokerage and agency services for residential and commercial title insurance, as well as excess and surplus product lines of insurance.

Since May 17, 2019, it had 1 insider buy, and 0 insider sales for $240,019 activity. $240,019 worth of Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) shares were bought by STEINOUR STEPHEN D.

Among 2 analysts covering Hamilton Lane (NASDAQ:HLNE), 1 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Hamilton Lane has $6000 highest and $6000 lowest target. $60’s average target is 6.36% above currents $56.41 stock price. Hamilton Lane had 7 analyst reports since April 11, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Hamilton Lane Incorporated (NASDAQ:HLNE) has “Market Perform” rating given on Thursday, September 12 by Wells Fargo. Morgan Stanley maintained the stock with “Overweight” rating in Friday, May 31 report.

Hamilton Lane Incorporated is an investment firm specializing in direct and fund of fund investments. The company has market cap of $2.90 billion. It provides following services: separate accounts ; specialized strategies (fund-of-funds, secondaries, co-investments, taft-hartley, distribution management); advisory relationships (including due diligence, strategic portfolio planning, monitoring and reporting services); and reporting and analytics solutions. It has a 39.28 P/E ratio. For direct investments, the firm invests in mid and late venture, mature companies, growth equity, emerging growth, distressed debt, later stage, turnarounds, bridge financing, mezzanine financing, and buyouts in middle market companies.

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) Institutional Positions Chart

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