Alyeska Investment Group LP Lowered Zayo Group Hldgs (ZAYO) Position; Westfield Capital Management Company LP Upped Its Ryder Sys (R) Holding

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Alyeska Investment Group Lp decreased Zayo Group Hldgs Inc (ZAYO) stake by 63.78% reported in 2019Q1 SEC filing. Alyeska Investment Group Lp sold 630,825 shares as Zayo Group Hldgs Inc (ZAYO)’s stock rose 8.39%. The Alyeska Investment Group Lp holds 358,175 shares with $10.18 million value, down from 989,000 last quarter. Zayo Group Hldgs Inc now has $7.98B valuation. The stock decreased 0.03% or $0.01 during the last trading session, reaching $33.66. About 4.09M shares traded or 64.80% up from the average. Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO) has declined 8.67% since August 31, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 8.67% the S&P500. Some Historical ZAYO News: 15/05/2018 - BLUE HARBOUR EXITED ZAYO, MIC, THS, LOGM, CLNS IN 1Q: 13F; 03/05/2018 - ZAYO GROUP 3Q ADJ EBITDA $319.6M, EST. $327.1M; 07/05/2018 - ZAYO GROUP HOLDINGS INC - COMPANY’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS AUTHORIZED A SIX-MONTH SHARE REPURCHASE PROGRAM; 21/03/2018 - Pico Selects Zayo for Global Network Backbone; 03/05/2018 - ZAYO GROUP HOLDINGS INC - ZAYO TO ADVANCE EVALUATION OF REIT CONVERSION; 26/04/2018 - Next-generation Transportation Services Company Selects Zayo; 17/05/2018 - Zayo Group Favored by 7 Hedge Funds, 13Fs Show; 03/05/2018 - ZAYO GROUP HOLDINGS INC - LIKELY ZAYO WILL HAVE ALTERNATIVES THAT WOULD ENABLE REIT CONVERSION, HAS BEGUN NEXT PHASE OF EVALUATION AND PREPARATION; 03/05/2018 - ZAYO GROUP HOLDINGS INC - BEGUN TO EXECUTE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES THAT ARE REQUIRED TO OPERATE AS A REIT; 18/04/2018 - ZAYO GROUP HOLDINGS INC ZAYO.N : DEUTSCHE BANK RAISES TO BUY FROM HOLD

Westfield Capital Management Company Lp increased Ryder Sys Inc (R) stake by 26.38% reported in 2019Q1 SEC filing. Westfield Capital Management Company Lp acquired 111,030 shares as Ryder Sys Inc (R)’s stock declined 12.04%. The Westfield Capital Management Company Lp holds 531,993 shares with $32.98M value, up from 420,963 last quarter. Ryder Sys Inc now has $2.57 billion valuation. The stock increased 0.61% or $0.29 during the last trading session, reaching $48.17. About 685,071 shares traded or 36.88% up from the average. Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE:R) has declined 30.71% since August 31, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 30.71% the S&P500. Some Historical R News: 03/05/2018 - Ryder Provides College Athletes a Career Path to “Go Pro” Outside of Sports; 03/04/2018 - RYDER SYSTEM INC - ACQUISITION-COMPLETED ON APRIL 2, 2018, AT A PRICE OF APPROXIMATELY $120 MLN; 04/05/2018 - Ryder Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend; 12/04/2018 - US Mint: David J. Ryder Sworn in as 39th United States Mint Director; 26/03/2018 - Golf-Hazeltine to become first U.S. venue to host Ryder Cup twice; 03/04/2018 - RYDER COMPLETES MXD GROUP ACQUISITION FOR ABOUT $120M; 20/03/2018 - Sen. Alexander: Alexander: John Ryder is a Great Choice to Help Keep TVA on a Good Path; 01/05/2018 - Ryder Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer to Address 2018 Wells Fargo Securities Industrials Conference; 21/05/2018 - Ryder Presenting at Conference Tomorrow; 05/04/2018 - Hometown Source: Ryder Cup is set to return in 2028

Alyeska Investment Group Lp increased Danaher Corporation (NYSE:DHR) stake by 131,652 shares to 557,760 valued at $73.64M in 2019Q1. It also upped Diamondback Energy Inc (NASDAQ:FANG) stake by 65,407 shares and now owns 399,862 shares. Honeywell Intl Inc (NYSE:HON) was raised too.

More notable recent Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO) news were published by: which released: “Zayo Group grows profits in Q4 - Seeking Alpha” on August 21, 2019, also with their article: “Zayo Group Holdings Keeps Treading Water - Yahoo Finance” published on August 22, 2019, published: “Zayo delays annual report filing - BizWest” on August 29, 2019. More interesting news about Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO) were released by: and their article: “Zayo Chairman and CEO Dan Caruso to Deliver a Keynote at Cowen Communications Infrastructure Summit - Business Wire” published on August 09, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Global Media Company Selects Zayo for Connectivity Between Key European Hubs - Business Wire” with publication date: August 22, 2019.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.37 in Q1 2019. Its up 0.38, from 0.99 in 2018Q4. It increased, as 41 investors sold ZAYO shares while 81 reduced holdings. 75 funds opened positions while 92 raised stakes. 202.49 million shares or 2.91% less from 208.56 million shares in 2018Q4 were reported. Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Company Limited invested in 23,013 shares. Covington Management invested in 0% or 950 shares. Thompson Siegel Walmsley Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 3.02 million shares or 1.2% of its portfolio. Hilton Cap Mgmt Ltd holds 0.01% or 3,585 shares in its portfolio. First Interstate Bank owns 940 shares. Ulysses Management Limited Liability Corp stated it has 839,613 shares. Vanguard Grp Inc stated it has 17.81M shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Japan-based Sumitomo Mitsui Tru Holdg has invested 0.02% in Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO). Dnb Asset Mngmt As invested 0% in Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO). Moore Cap Limited Partnership has invested 0.97% of its portfolio in Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO). V3 Capital L P, a New York-based fund reported 200,673 shares. Suntrust Banks holds 0% in Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO) or 27,159 shares. Neuberger Berman Grp Inc Llc has 0.03% invested in Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO) for 863,967 shares. Brown Advisory holds 0% or 58,656 shares. Fmr Ltd Llc owns 1.21M shares.

Westfield Capital Management Company Lp decreased Svb Finl Group (NASDAQ:SIVB) stake by 28,749 shares to 127,673 valued at $28.39M in 2019Q1. It also reduced Autodesk Inc (NASDAQ:ADSK) stake by 3,003 shares and now owns 324,626 shares. Grace W R & Co Del New (NYSE:GRA) was reduced too.

More notable recent Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE:R) news were published by: which released: “How Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE:R) Could Add Value To Your Portfolio - Yahoo Finance” on August 12, 2019, also with their article: “Introducing H&R Block (NYSE:HRB), The Stock That Dropped 20% In The Last Five Years - Yahoo Finance” published on August 28, 2019, published: “Ryder: The Bottom Isn’t In Sight - Seeking Alpha” on August 08, 2019. More interesting news about Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE:R) were released by: and their article: “Is There An Opportunity With New Relic, Inc.’s (NYSE:NEWR) 28% Undervaluation? - Yahoo Finance” published on August 30, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Volatility 101: Should W. R. Grace (NYSE:GRA) Shares Have Dropped 34%? - Yahoo Finance” with publication date: August 27, 2019.

Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO) Institutional Positions Chart

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