Abbvie (ABBV) to pay $1.07 on Nov 15, 2019; EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS ORDINARY SHARES (EUTLF) SI Increased By 3.65%

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EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS ORDINARY SHARES (OTCMKTS:EUTLF) had an increase of 3.65% in short interest. EUTLF’s SI was 2.13M shares in September as released by FINRA. Its up 3.65% from 2.06 million shares previously. With 100 avg volume, 21334 days are for EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS ORDINARY SHARES (OTCMKTS:EUTLF)’s short sellers to cover EUTLF’s short positions. It closed at $18.65 lastly. It is down 0.00% since September 26, 2018 and is . It has by 0.00% the S&P500.

Abbvie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) is expected to pay $1.07 on Nov 15, 2019. (NYSE:ABBV) shareholders before Oct 11, 2019 will receive the $1.07 dividend. Abbvie Inc’s current price of $72.09 translates into 1.48% yield. Abbvie Inc’s dividend has Oct 15, 2019 as record date. Sep 6, 2019 is the announcement. The stock decreased 1.18% or $0.86 during the last trading session, reaching $72.09. About 5.68 million shares traded. AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) has declined 27.15% since September 26, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 27.15% the S&P500. Some Historical ABBV News: 31/05/2018 - AbbVie to Present New Data from Several Investigational Studies of Venetoclax as Monotherapy or in Combination for the Manageme; 18/05/2018 - FDA ISSUES ALERT ON ISSUE FOUND IN TRIALS ON KEYTRUDA,TECENTRIQ; 10/04/2018 - AbbVie: Elagolix Clinical Trial Program Largest Prospective Randomized Endometriosis Trial Conducted to Date; 02/04/2018 - Aeglea BioTherapeutics Doses First Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Pegzilarginase in Both Monotherapy and KEYTRUDA® (Pemb; 17/04/2018 - Dynavax Provides New Durability of Response Data for SD-101 in Combination with KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in Melanoma at the 2; 26/04/2018 - ABBVIE 1Q REV. $7.93B, EST. $7.6B; 09/04/2018 - AbbVie’s promised rheumatoid arthritis blockbuster upadacitinib hits its marks in another PhIII - this time without any deaths $ABBV; 23/05/2018 - MERCK & CO INC - KEYTRUDA HAS NOW DEMONSTRATED AN IMPROVED SURVIVAL BENEFIT IN ADVANCED NSCLC IN FIVE PHASE 3 TRIALS; 25/04/2018 - ABBVIE SUBMITS BIOLOGICS LICENSE APPLICATION TO U.S. FDA FOR IN; 09/04/2018 - Merck: Keytruda Significantly Improves Overall Survival in Study

More notable recent AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) news were published by: which released: “Better Buy: AbbVie vs. Eli Lilly - Motley Fool” on September 24, 2019, also with their article: “Coalition urges FTC block to ABBV-AGN deal - Seeking Alpha” published on September 13, 2019, published: “AbbVie: Even Better Dividend Now - Seeking Alpha” on September 03, 2019. More interesting news about AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) were released by: and their article: “7 High-Yield Dividend Stocks Set for Growth -” published on September 24, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Should You Buy AbbVie for the Dividend? - Motley Fool” with publication date: August 27, 2019.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.16 in Q2 2019. Its up 0.33, from 0.83 in 2019Q1. It is positive, as 67 investors sold AbbVie Inc. shares while 513 reduced holdings. 129 funds opened positions while 542 raised stakes. 950.66 million shares or 1.26% less from 962.74 million shares in 2019Q1 were reported. Smithbridge Asset De has 28,783 shares for 1.21% of their portfolio. Mcgowan Gru Asset Mgmt Incorporated invested 0.04% of its portfolio in AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV). Sarissa Mngmt L P stated it has 1,000 shares. Neville Rodie Shaw accumulated 88,219 shares or 0.68% of the stock. Everence Cap Mngmt invested in 36,400 shares. Schnieders Management Ltd Company accumulated 24,099 shares. Seabridge Inv Advsrs Ltd accumulated 2,600 shares. Fincl Advisers Ltd holds 0.21% of its portfolio in AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) for 444,219 shares. Tokio Marine Asset Mngmt reported 4,103 shares. Dumont Blake Advisors Lc holds 0.64% in AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) or 21,157 shares. Prio Wealth Partnership holds 0.49% or 147,420 shares. Shelter Mutual Insurance Co has invested 1.39% in AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV). Cohen Lawrence B holds 0.24% of its portfolio in AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) for 4,849 shares. St Johns Invest Com Limited Liability invested 0.34% in AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV). Hall Laurie J Trustee owns 27,086 shares.

AbbVie Inc. discovers, develops, manufactures, and sells pharmaceutical products worldwide. The company has market cap of $106.58 billion. The firm offers HUMIRA, a biologic therapy administered as a subcutaneous injection to treat autoimmune diseases; IMBRUVICA, an oral therapy for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia; and VIEKIRA PAK, an interferon-free therapy, with or without ribavirin, for the treatment of adults with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C. It has a 26.32 P/E ratio. It also provides Kaletra, an anti- human immunodeficiency virus-1 medicine used with other anti-HIV-1 medications as a treatment that maintains viral suppression in HIV-1 patients; Norvir, a protease inhibitor indicated in combination with other antiretroviral agents to treat HIV-1; and Synagis to prevent RSV infection at-risk infants.

Since June 26, 2019, it had 12 insider purchases, and 0 selling transactions for $16.22 million activity. AUSTIN ROXANNE S bought 10,000 shares worth $663,500. Donoghoe Nicholas bought $498,057 worth of stock or 7,525 shares. On Wednesday, June 26 CHASE WILLIAM J bought $2.05M worth of AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) or 30,400 shares. RAPP EDWARD J also bought $504,750 worth of AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) shares. 30,000 shares valued at $2.02 million were bought by Gosebruch Henry O on Monday, July 29. $1.76 million worth of stock was bought by Schumacher Laura J on Monday, September 16. Shares for $1.00M were bought by Stewart Jeffrey Ryan.

Among 4 analysts covering AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. AbbVie has $8400 highest and $7900 lowest target. $80.75’s average target is 12.01% above currents $72.09 stock price. AbbVie had 9 analyst reports since April 16, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Overweight” rating by Piper Jaffray on Tuesday, August 20. BMO Capital Markets upgraded AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) on Monday, April 29 to “Market Perform” rating. UBS upgraded AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) on Thursday, September 12 to “Buy” rating. The rating was maintained by Piper Jaffray with “Overweight” on Wednesday, September 4.

AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) Ratings Chart

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