Analysts See $0.56 EPS for American Assets Trust, Inc. (AAT); Qs Investors Cut United Cmnty Bks Blairsvle G (UCBI) Position By $1.83 Million

Qs Investors Llc decreased United Cmnty Bks Blairsvle G (UCBI) stake by 30.88% reported in 2019Q2 SEC filing. Qs Investors Llc sold 65,393 shares as United Cmnty Bks Blairsvle G (UCBI)’s stock rose 2.57%. The Qs Investors Llc holds 146,394 shares with $4.18 million value, down from 211,787 last quarter. United Cmnty Bks Blairsvle G now has $2.21 billion valuation. The stock increased 1.60% or $0.44 during the last trading session, reaching $28. About 216,505 shares traded. United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI) has declined 4.81% since October 5, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.81% the S&P500. Some Historical UCBI News: 07/03/2018 Norges Bank Buys New 1.2% Position in United Community Banks; 02/04/2018 - United Community Banks: Tallent Will Move Into New Role as Executive Chairman; 24/04/2018 - UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS 1Q OPER EPS 50C, EST. 50C; 02/04/2018 - UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS, REPORTS CEO SUCCESSION PLAN; 11/05/2018 - United Community Banks Raises Dividend to 15c; 11/05/2018 - United Community Banks, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend Increase; 24/04/2018 - United Community Banks 1Q Net $37.7M; 02/04/2018 - United Community Banks Names New CEO; Current CEO to Retire; 11/05/2018 - UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC UCBI.O SETS REGULAR QUARTERLY CASH DIVIDEND OF $0.15/SHR; 24/04/2018 - United Community Banks 1Q EPS 47c

Analysts expect American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) to report $0.56 EPS on October, 29.They anticipate $0.03 EPS change or 5.66% from last quarter’s $0.53 EPS. AAT’s profit would be $33.43 million giving it 20.76 P/E if the $0.56 EPS is correct. After having $0.51 EPS previously, American Assets Trust, Inc.’s analysts see 9.80% EPS growth. The stock increased 1.00% or $0.46 during the last trading session, reaching $46.5. About 242,312 shares traded. American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) has risen 23.77% since October 5, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 23.77% the S&P500. Some Historical AAT News: 15/03/2018 - Nail Polish/Acrylic Nail Easy Removal Device Invented by InventHelp Inventor (AAT-1898); 15/03/2018 - lnventHelp Hydration Mouth Guard for Athletes lnvented (AAT-3044); 12/03/2018 Arrowhead Begins Dosing in Phase 1 Study of ARO-AAT for Treatment of Alpha-1 Liver Disease; 15/03/2018 - lnventHelp lnventor Develops Shower-Chair Accessory (AAT-3041); 24/05/2018 - lnventHelp lnventor: Headphone with Video Capability lnvented (AAT-3079); 13/03/2018 - lnventHelp lnventor Develops Ladder Accessory for Painters and Contractors (AAT-3021); 09/04/2018 - lnventor Develops Improved Packaging for Breakfast Cereals (AAT-3016); 24/05/2018 - InventHelp Inventor: Headphone with Video Capability Invented (AAT-3079); 13/03/2018 - lnventHelp lnventor Develops Traction-Enhancement System for Vehicles (AAT-2097); 13/03/2018 - InventHelp Inventor Develops Ladder Accessory for Painters and Contractors (AAT-3021)

Analysts await United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI) to report earnings on October, 22. They expect $0.58 earnings per share, up 5.45% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.55 per share. UCBI’s profit will be $45.86 million for 12.07 P/E if the $0.58 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.59 actual earnings per share reported by United Community Banks, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -1.69% negative EPS growth.

Qs Investors Llc increased Shenandoah Telecommunication (NASDAQ:SHEN) stake by 21,200 shares to 42,125 valued at $1.62 million in 2019Q2. It also upped Arbor Rlty Tr Inc (NYSE:ABR) stake by 35,000 shares and now owns 121,182 shares. Briggs & Stratton Corp (NYSE:BGG) was raised too.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.24 in 2019 Q2. Its up 0.04, from 1.2 in 2019Q1. It increased, as 20 investors sold UCBI shares while 59 reduced holdings. 37 funds opened positions while 61 raised stakes. 71.65 million shares or 2.64% more from 69.81 million shares in 2019Q1 were reported. Pinebridge LP invested 0.03% of its portfolio in United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI). Cibc Asset Mgmt reported 10,686 shares. Pnc Financial Group Inc reported 10,999 shares or 0% of all its holdings. North Carolina-based Atria Ltd Llc has invested 0.2% in United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI). Us Financial Bank De, a Minnesota-based fund reported 51,360 shares. Regions Financial reported 10,339 shares. Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc owns 51,505 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Cambiar Lc holds 0.07% in United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI) or 93,949 shares. Spark Ltd Liability Co reported 0.06% in United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI). Wellington Group Llp holds 21,571 shares. 1.12 million are owned by Renaissance Tech Lc. Dimensional Fund LP has 3.39 million shares for 0.04% of their portfolio. Cornercap Investment Counsel Inc has invested 0.14% in United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI). 3.54 million are held by Fmr Ltd Liability Company. Signaturefd Ltd Liability Corp invested in 41 shares.

More notable recent United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI) news were published by: which released: “3 Days Left Until United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI) Trades Ex-Dividend - Yahoo Finance” on September 08, 2019, also with their article: “United Renewable Energy LLCâ„¢ Constructs Two Utility Scale Projects, United Community Bank Provides Debt to Owners - PRNewswire” published on September 25, 2019, published: “Should You Be Concerned About United Community Banks, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:UCBI) Historical Volatility? - Yahoo Finance” on July 15, 2019. More interesting news about United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBI) were released by: and their article: “The United Community Banks (NASDAQ:UCBI) Share Price Has Gained 64% And Shareholders Are Hoping For More - Yahoo Finance” published on June 17, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Is United Community Banks Inc (UCBI) A Good Stock To Buy ? - Yahoo Finance” with publication date: June 23, 2019.

American Assets Trust, Inc. is a full service, vertically integrated and self-administered real estate investment trust, or REIT, headquartered in San Diego, California. The company has market cap of $2.78 billion. The firm has over 50 years of experience in acquiring, improving, developing and managing premier retail, office and residential properties throughout the United States in some of the nation??s most dynamic, high-barrier-to-entry markets primarily in Southern California, Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. The company's retail portfolio comprises approximately 3.3 million rentable square feet, and its office portfolio comprises approximately 2.7 million square feet. It has a 59.92 P/E ratio. In addition, the firm owns one mixed-use property (including approximately 97,000 rentable square feet of retail space and a 369-room all-suite hotel) and 2,112 multifamily units.

Investors sentiment increased to 2.51 in 2019 Q2. Its up 0.85, from 1.66 in 2019Q1. It is positive, as 16 investors sold American Assets Trust, Inc. shares while 33 reduced holdings. 34 funds opened positions while 89 raised stakes. 56.75 million shares or 26.71% more from 44.78 million shares in 2019Q1 were reported. Metropolitan Life Insurance Comm reported 16,302 shares. First Republic Invest Mngmt reported 0.01% of its portfolio in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT). 13,521 were reported by Etrade Limited Liability Co. State Of Wisconsin Board owns 0.04% invested in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) for 338,582 shares. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) holds 0.01% or 25,196 shares in its portfolio. California Public Employees Retirement accumulated 74,665 shares or 0% of the stock. Moreover, Public Sector Pension Invest Board has 0.04% invested in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT). Hsbc Pcl holds 8,793 shares. Vermont-based Tru Of Vermont has invested 0% in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT). 1.12 million were reported by Ameriprise Fincl. Ny State Common Retirement Fund stated it has 57,072 shares. Gsa Cap Llp owns 21,594 shares. Voya Mngmt Limited Liability Company, Georgia-based fund reported 48,140 shares. Price T Rowe Assoc Md accumulated 830,026 shares. Kennedy Management holds 0.39% of its portfolio in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) for 344,955 shares.

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